Local Government Guide for Solar Deployment from the Department of Energy

Climate change is a pressing issue that has been gaining more attention in recent years. Ohioans, like many others around the world, have become increasingly aware of the impact that it can have on the environment, the economy, and our daily lives. In response, many local governments in Ohio are looking for ways to reduce their carbon footprint, promote sustainable development, and contribute to energy security. Fortunately, there are a variety of tools and resources available to help them achieve these goals, one of which is the Local Government Guide for Solar Deployment.

This guide, which is provided by the U.S. Department of Energy, is a comprehensive resource that can help local governments across the state facilitate the deployment of solar energy in their communities. It offers a wealth of information on best practices and guidance on a wide range of topics related to solar energy, such as creating solar-friendly zoning codes, streamlining permitting processes, and developing financing programs to promote solar adoption.

By promoting the deployment of solar energy, local governments can reap a number of benefits. For one, it can help to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, which is one of the major drivers of climate change. Additionally, solar energy can create jobs and save money on energy bills for both businesses and individuals.

Of course, promoting solar energy is not always an easy task, and local governments may face a number of challenges along the way. Some of these challenges may include navigating regulatory frameworks, addressing concerns from residents or businesses, and finding the necessary funding to support solar energy projects. However, with the help of the Local Government Guide for Solar Deployment, local governments can overcome many of these obstacles and successfully promote the deployment of solar energy in their communities.


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