PCFO Infrastructure Grant Snapshots


Climate and Sustainability

  • Grant Snapshot

    The Great Lakes TCGM Partnership, headed by the Minneapolis Foundation, will distribute $40 million in subgrant funding over the course of three years, after being selected as one of 11 subgrant makers for the EPA’s EJ Thriving Communities Grantmaking Program. The funding will aim to support community-based innovation and strengthen community-based organizations by streamlining accessibility to federal funding. Selected projects will have a core focus of addressing environmental concerns and uplifting public health in EPA-defined disadvantaged communities.

    Application Deadline: Accepted on rolling basis until Nov. 2026

  • Grant Snapshot

    The Energy Improvements in Rural or Remote Areas (ERA) funding opportunity provides support for rural and remote communities to develop clean energy projects that benefit their communities. The program aims to lower energy costs, improve energy access and resilience, and increase economic opportunity while lowering environmental harm. The recipients’ projects will demonstrate effective energy system approaches for rural and remote areas by utilizing climate-resilient strategies, accessible and appropriate financing mechanisms, and best practices in community leadership engagement, with the intent of building clean energy knowledge, capacity, and self-reliance in these communities.

    Application Deadline: Concept Papers due February 27, 2025; Full Applications due August 28, 2025

Clean Energy and Power

  • Grant Snapshot

    The Advanced Energy Fund Grant will provide grant funds for businesses, nonprofits, and public entities to complete energy-efficiency measures (EEMs) and advanced energy projects. These projects should demonstrate a 15% or higher reduction in energy usage, as well as the creation and/or retention of jobs. EEMs can include retrofitting existing buildings, increasing efficiency in manufacturing processes, and upgrading to new equipment and systems.

    Application Deadline: February 17, 2025

Clean Transportation

Transportation Infrastructure

  • Grant Snapshot

    The PROTECT Discretionary Grant Program is seeking projects that address the climate crisis by improving the resilience of the surface transportation system, including highways, public transportation, ports, and intercity passenger rail. Proposed projects should support the recovery, improvement, or continued operation of crucial local, regional, or national surface transportation facilities.

    Application Deadline: February 24, 2025

Requests for Information:

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    EPA is soliciting feedback for the Environmental and Climate Justice Block Grant Program, which will provide funding for financial and technical assistance to carry out environmental and climate justice activities to benefit disadvantaged communities. Deadline for comments March 17, 2023

  • PCFO IGAP Snapshot

    The Department of Energy is soliciting feedback and best practices to inform the development of Home Energy Rebate programs that will support residential energy efficiency and electrification improvements.


  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    The Climate Pollution Reduction Grants (CPRG) Program Implementation Grants will fund greenhouse reduction measures identified in a Priority Climate Action Plan (PCAP). CPRG is designed to create a localized approach to address environmental inequity, combat climate change, and build climate resilience.

    Application deadline: April 1, 2024

    Webinar notes

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    Created under the Inflation Reduction Act, the Green and Resilient Retrofit Program (GRRP) provides owners of HUD-assisted multifamily housing with resources to reduce carbon emissions, make utility efficiency improvements, incorporate renewable energy sources, and make properties more resilient against the effects of climate hazards. The GRRP PCFO Grant SnapshotElements Cohort provides funding for owners to include climate resilience and utility efficiency measures in projects that are already in the process of recapitalization transactions.

    Application Deadline: March 28, 2024

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    Created under the Inflation Reduction Act, the NOAA Climate Resilience Regional Challenge (Challenge) aims to catalyze equitable adaptation through regional-scale collaboration and implementation of adaptation actions that will reduce future damage from weather and climate impacts.

    Application Deadline: February 13, 2024

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    Created under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the EPA’s Clean School Bus Program will provide $5 billion to replace existing school buses with zero-emission and low-emission models. EPA has opened applications for the second round of the Clean School Bus Rebate Program to fund the replacement of existing school buses with cleaner buses.

    Application deadline: January 31, 2024

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    Funded through the Inflation Reduction Act, the goal of the Climate ReadyWorkforce for Coastal States, Tribes, and Territories Competition (or “ClimateReady Workforce Competition'') is to recruit, train, and place workers in good jobs that enhance climate resilience. NOAA will assist communities in coastal and Great Lakes areas to form partnerships that train workers and place them into jobs that advance climate resilience.

    Application deadline: Letters of intent due November 30, 2023. Full Application due February 13, 2024

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    The Patrick Leahy Farm to School Grant Program is designed to increase the availability of local foods in schools and help connect students to the sources of their food through education, taste tests, school gardens, field trips, and local food sourcing for school meals. Grants can launch new farm-to-school programs or expand existing efforts.

    Application deadline: January 12, 2024

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    Through the Environmental Justice Community Innovator, HHS aims to develop innovative and effective community strategies to address health disparities in communities and Tribes disproportionately burdened by environmental and climate change-related hazards.

    Application deadline: January 30, 2024

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    Under the Inflation Reduction Act, DOE is funding States and local governments in adopting, implementing, enforcing, and measuring compliance rates of residential and commercial building codes that reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The goal of this program is to improve new construction and major renovations; increase building code effectiveness; provide implementation support for adopting updated building energy codes, zero energy codes, and stretch codes; educate stakeholders; improve the resilience of buildings; and provide meaningful benefits to communities nationwide.

    Application deadline: Concept papers due February 9, 2024

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    RAISE grants will support planning or constructing surface transportation infrastructure projects that will improve safety; environmental sustainability; quality of life; mobility and community connectivity; economic competitiveness and opportunity including tourism; state of good repair; partnership and collaboration; and innovation.

    Application deadline: February 28, 2024

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    The Community Energy Innovation Prize supports community-based organizations, the private sector, nonfederal government entities, and collegiate teams in developing and carrying out activities related to clean energy that enable business and technology incubation and acceleration as well as other community-based capacity building, innovation, and entrepreneurship.

    Application Deadline: Collegiate Track, 11/3/2023 and Ecosystem Track, 2/2/2024

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    The State of Ohio received over $3 million through the Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Group (EECBG) program to create the Brightening Ohio Communities (BOC) Program. The BOC program is designed to provide grants to implement cost-effective, energy efficiency improvements for streetlights, perimeter lighting, and municipal-owned parking lot lighting in communities across Ohio.

    Application deadline: December 15, 2023

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    Funded through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the PUCO is responsible for administering the Grid Resilience Formula Grant Program on behalf of the State of Ohio. PUCO is seeking applicants for sub-awards to improve the resilience of the electric grid against disruptive events.

    Application deadline: December 1, 2023

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    Created under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, this grant will fund nonprofit partnerships to establish Career Skills Training Programs, under which students concurrently receive classroom instruction and on-the-job training for the purpose of obtaining an industry-related certification to install energy-efficient building technologies.

    Application deadline: November 27, 2023

  • PCFO Grant Snapshots

    Through the Electric Vehicle Charger Reliability and Accessibility Accelerator, communities can access funding to repair or replace existing, publicly accessible chargers that are broken or non-operational. This program aims to enhance and maintain reliability as the charging network is expanded nationwide.

    Application Deadline: November 13, 2023

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    Created under the Inflation Reduction Act, the National Clean Investment Fund (NCIF) is one of three Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund (GGRF) programs. The NCIF competition will fund grants to 2–3 national nonprofit clean financing institutions that will provide accessible, affordable financing for clean technology projects across the country.

    Application deadline: October 12, 2023

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    The Energy Future Grants (EFG) program is a two-phase competition that will provide financial and technical assistance to support innovative clean energy planning to benefit disadvantaged communities. In the first program phase, EFG will provide approximately 50 awards of $500,000. Successful Phase 1 applicants will be eligible to apply for Phase 2.

    Application deadline: September 30, 2023

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    The Community Power Accelerator Prize is a $10 million prize competition designed to fast-track the efforts of new, emerging, and expanding solar developers and co-developers to learn, participate, and grow their operations to support multiple successful community solar projects.

    Application Deadline: October 4, 2023

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    The SMART program was established to provide grants for demonstration projects focused on advanced smart community technologies and systems in order to improve transportation efficiency and safety. The program funds projects that are focused on using technology interventions to solve real-world challenges and build data and technology capacity and expertise in the public sector.

    Application deadline: October 10,

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    The Reconnecting Communities and Neighborhoods Program (RCN) is the joint name for the Reconnecting Communities Pilot (RCP) and Neighborhood Access and Equity (NAE) Programs. If applicants meet the requirements for both programs, they are encouraged to submit one application for both funding opportunities. The RCN Program aims to advance community-centered transportation connection projects and to provide technical assistance to further these goals.

    Application deadline: September 28, 2023

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    Created under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, PROTECT Discretionary Grant Program aims to fund projects that address the climate crisis by improving the resilience of the surface transportation system, including highways, public transportation, ports, and intercity passenger rail. By funding projects that improve resilience to natural hazards and climate change impacts, the PROTECT Discretionary Grant Program aims to reduce damage and disruption to the transportation system, improve the safety of the traveling public, and improve equity by addressing the needs of disadvantaged communities that are often the most vulnerable to hazards.

    Application deadline: August 18, 2023

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    Created under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Multimodal Project Discretionary Grant program provides $5.575 billion for three grant programs: INFRA, Mega, and Rural. The INFRA program awards competitive grants to multimodal freight and highway projects of national or regional significance to improve the safety, accessibility, efficiency, and reliability of the movement of freight and people in and across rural and urban areas.

    Application deadline: August 21, 2023

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    Created under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Multimodal Project Discretionary Grant program provides $5.575 billion for three grant programs: INFRA, Mega, and Rural. The Mega Program supports large, complex projects that are difficult to fund by other means and likely to generate national or regional economic, mobility, or safety benefits.

    Application deadline: August 21, 2023

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    Created under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Multimodal Project Discretionary Grant program provides $5.575 billion for three grant programs: INFRA, Mega, and Rural. The Rural program supports projects that improve and expand our nation’s surface transportation infrastructure in rural areas in order to increase connectivity, improve the safety and reliability of the movement of people and freight, and generate regional economic growth and improve quality of life.

    Application deadline: August 21, 2023

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    Created under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, PROTECT Discretionary GrantProgram aims to fund projects that address the climate crisis by improving the resilience of the surface transportation system, including highways, public transportation, ports, and intercity passenger rail. By funding projects that improve resilience to natural hazards and climate change impacts, thePROTECT Discretionary Grant Program aims to reduce damage and disruption to the transportation system, improve the safety of the traveling public, and improve equity by addressing the needs of disadvantaged communities that are often the most vulnerable to hazards.

    Application deadline: August 18, 2023

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    The Great Lakes Environmental Justice Grant Program (GLEJGP) is a competitive opportunity to fund six grant programs that will provide subawards for environmental restoration projects in historically underserved Great Lakes communities.

    Application deadline: August 11, 2023

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    Brownfields Job Training Grants support programs that recruit, train, and retain a local, skilled workforce by prioritizing unemployed and under-employed residents to obtain the skills and credentials needed for pathways into full-time employment in hazardous and solid waste management and across the larger environmental field.

    Application deadline: August 2, 2023

  • PCFO IGAP Snapshot

    The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Competitive Program provides funds to entities who were not allocated funds through the EECBG Formula grant. Funds can be used for projects and programs that reduce fossil fuel emissions, reduce energy use, improve energy efficiency, and build a clean and equitable energy economy.

    Concept papers due: June 5, 2023. Application is due: August 7, 2023

    Webinar Notes

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    Established under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Charging and Fueling Infrastructure (CFI) Discretionary Grant Program provides $700 million to support the deployment of electric vehicle charging infrastructure and alternative fueling infrastructure. The CFI Program will accelerate an electrified and alternative fuel transportation system that is convenient, affordable, reliable, equitable, accessible, and safe.

    Application Deadline: June 13, 2023

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    Funded through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Ride and Drive Electric Program aims to address discrete challenges to a convenient, affordable, reliable, secure, and equitable EV charging network by enhancing institutional capacity, encouraging holistic approaches, fostering inclusive and equitable outcomes, and ensuring a world-class customer experience.

    Concept papers due: June 16, 2023

    Full Applications due July 28, 2023

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    The Composting and Food Waste Reduction (CFWR) program aims to develop and test strategies for planning and implementing municipal compost plans and food waste reduction plans. Proposed projects can be located in all community types including rural, urban and suburban.

    Application deadline: June 15, 2023

  • PCFO IGAP Snapshot

    The Buildings Upgrade Prize (Buildings UP) is a capacity-building prize focused on reducing greenhouse gas emissions in existing buildings through energy efficiency and efficient electrification. In Phase 1, Buildings UP will award over $22 million in cash prizes and technical assistance.

    Application deadline: July 18, 2023

    Webinar Notes

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    Created under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grant program aims to improve roadway safety by significantly reducing or eliminating roadway fatalities and serious injuries through safety action plan development and refinement and implementation focused on all users.

    Application deadline: July 10, 2023

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    Created under the Inflation Reduction Act, the Urban and Community Forestry Program provides funding for activities that increase equitable access to the urban tree canopy, broaden community engagement, and improve community and urban forest resilience.

    Application deadline: June 1, 2023

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    Created by the Inflation Reduction Act, the Climate Pollution Reduction Grants

    (CPRG) program invests $5 billion to support states, municipalities, air pollution control agencies, and tribes to develop and implement strong, local greenhouse gas reduction strategies. This two-staged grant program provides funding of $250 million for non-competitive planning grants and $4.6 billion for competitive implementation grants.

    Application Deadline: April 28, 2023 (notice of intent to participate)

    Webinar Notes

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    The Energy Efficiency and Conservation Block Grant (EECBG) Program is a formula-based funding opportunity for states, local governments, and tribes. EECBG can provide funding for projects and programs that cut carbon emissions, improve energy efficiency, and reduce energy use.

    Application deadline: April 28, 2023

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    The Department of Energy’s Decarbonization of Water Resource Recovery Facilities (D-WRRF) grant opportunity aims to reduce direct and indirect emissions and costs for WRRFs.

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    Under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, DOE received $500 million for grants for energy improvements at public school facilities from 2022-2026. This program aims to fund projects which address historic inequities in school facilities investments, reduce school energy expenditures, help schools lead the nation in solving the climate crisis, and create well-paying union jobs

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    Created under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Resilient and Efficient Codes Implementation funding opportunity centers around updating to more efficient building energy codes that save money for homes and businesses, reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, and encourage more resilient buildings.

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    The Low or No Emission Vehicle Grants program provides funding to state and local governments for the purchase or lease of zero-emission and low-emission transit buses as well as acquisition, construction, and leasing of required supporting facilities.

    Application deadline: April 13, 2023

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    The EJCPS Cooperative Agreement Program provides financial assistance to community-based organizations working to address local environmental or public health issues. The program assists recipients in building collaborative partnerships with other stakeholders to develop solutions to environmental or public health issue(s) at the community level.

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    The Environmental Justice Government-to-Government (EJG2G) program provides funding to support government activities that lead to measurable environmental or public health impacts in communities disproportionately burdened by environmental harms. EPA aims to fund projects that transform overburdened and underserved communities into healthy, thriving communities capable of addressing the environmental and public health challenges they have historically faced, as well as current and future challenges.


    The American-Made Community Power Accelerator Prize is a $10 million prize competition designed to fast-track the efforts of new, emerging, and expanding solar developers and co-developers to learn, participate, and grow their operations to support multiple successful community solar projects.

  • PCFO IGAP Grant Snapshot

    The Technical Assistance to Brownfields (TAB) Communities Program aims to provide technical assistance to assist communities facing brownfields challenges. Awarded entities will help communities tackle the challenge of assessing, cleaning up and preparing brownfield sites for redevelopment, especially underserved/rural/small and distressed communities.

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    The Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) program funds surface transportation infrastructure projects that will improve: safety; environmental sustainability; quality of life; mobility and community connectivity; economic competitiveness and opportunity including tourism; state of good repair; partnership and collaboration; and innovation. There is also a $75 million set aside for eligible planning, preparation, or design of projects.

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    The Areas of Persistent Poverty Program awards grants for planning, engineering, or development of technical or financing plans to assist Areas of Persistent Poverty or Historically Disadvantaged Communities. Deadline: March 10, 2023.

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    The Rebuilding American Infrastructure with Sustainability and Equity (RAISE) program funds surface transportation infrastructure projects that will improve: safety; environmental sustainability; quality of life; mobility and community connectivity; economic competitiveness and opportunity including tourism; state of good repair; partnership and collaboration; and innovation. There is also a $75 million set aside for eligible planning, preparation, or design of projects.

  • PCFO IGAP Grant Snapshot

    Through the Inflation Reduction Act, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) received funds for two emissions reduction programs: the Low Emissions Electricity Program and Corporate Reporting Program.

    Application Deadline: January 18, 2023

  • PCFO IGAP Grant Snapshot

    Through the Inflation Reduction Act, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) received $5 billion to assist states, air pollution control agencies, tribes and local governments to develop and implement strong, climate pollution reduction strategies.

    Application Deadline: January 18, 2023

  • PCFO IGAP Grant Snapshot

    Through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, EPA has $75 million to fund a new Recycling Education and Outreach Grant Program from 2022-2026. Education and outreach activities under this program include programs that prevent or reduce waste by reducing, reusing, repairing, refurbishing, remanufacturing, recycling, composting, or using anaerobic digestor systems to treat these types of materials or to reduce related contamination.

    Applicants may submit an informal Notice of Intent to Apply by December 15, 2022, to RecyclingED@epa.gov. This is not a required step; however, submission of a Notice will help EPA staff with process management.

  • PCFO IGAP Grant Snapshot

    Through the Inflation Reduction Act, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) received over $300 million in funding for six programs to address air pollution: 1) Fenceline Monitoring, 2) Multipollutant Monitoring, 3) Air Quality Sensors, 4) Emissions from Wood Heaters, 5) Methane Monitoring, and 6) Clean Air Act Grants. In addition, EPA also received $50 million to address air pollution at schools.

    Application Deadline: January 18, 2023

  • PCFO IGAP Grant Snapshot

    Through the Inflation Reduction Act, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) received $4 billion for two new programs to reduce emissions from the transportation sector: the Clean Heavy-Duty Vehicle Program and the Clean Ports Program.

  • PCFO IGAP Grant Snapshot

    Through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the EPA has $275 million for grants under the Save Our Seas 2.0 Act from FY2022-2026. Under this allocation, the Solid Waste Infrastructure for Recycling Grant Program (SWIFR) grants will assist local waste management authorities by supporting improvements to local post-consumer materials management, including municipal recycling programs, and assisting local waste management authorities in making improvements to local waste management systems.

    Applicants may submit an informal Notice of Intent to Apply by December 15, 2022 to SWIFR@epa.gov. This is not a required step; however, submission of a Notice will help EPA staff with process management.

  • PCFO IGAP Grant Snapshot

    The Consolidated Rail Infrastructure and Safety Improvements (CRISI) Grant Program aims to invest in a wide range of projects to improve railroad safety, efficiency, and reliability; mitigate congestion at both intercity passenger and freight rail chokepoints to support more efficient travel and goods movement; enhance multi-modal connections; and lead to new or substantially improved Intercity Passenger Rail Transportation corridors. This program invests in railroad infrastructure projects that improve safety, support economic vitality, create good-paying jobs with the free and fair choice to join a union, increase capacity and supply chain resilience, apply innovative technology, and explicitly address climate change, gender equity and racial equity.

    Application Deadline: December 1, 2022

  • PCFO IGAP Grant Snapshot

    The Advancing Equity Through Workforce Partnerships funding opportunity will provide grants for the development of collaborative workforce programs that will facilitate the rapid deployment of solar energy technologies while supporting an inclusive workforce with opportunities for union membership. This opportunity will enable more members of disadvantaged communities and energy justice populations to pursue careers in the solar energy industry.

    Application Deadline: Mandatory Letter of Intent due 09/13/22; Concept Papers due 09/20/22; Full Applications due 12/06/22


    The Thriving Communities Program (TCP) is designed to provide technical assistance, planning, and capacity building support to advance a pipeline of transportation and community revitalization activities that increase mobility, reduce pollution from transportation sources, expand affordable transportation and housing options, improve health outcomes, facilitate efficient land use, preserve or expand jobs, and enhance connections to health care, education, and food security to benefit disadvantaged populations and communities. The TCP will also support and build local capacity to improve project acceleration, access to and management of Federal funding, and deployment of local hiring, workforce development and inclusive community engagement practices.

    Application Deadline: December 6, 2022

  • PCFO IGAP Grant Snapshot

    EPA is soliciting feedback on the Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund, a new competitive funding program created by the Inflation Reduction Act. The Greenhouse Gas Reduction Fund provides competitive funding for financial and technical assistance to enable zero-emission technologies and projects that reduce or avoid greenhouse gas emissions and other air pollution, including in low-income and disadvantaged communities. EPA received $27 billion in FY2022 to implement the program. Responses may be used by the EPA to assist in program design and implementation.

    Application Deadline: December 5, 2022

  • PCFO IGAP Grant Snapshot

    The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) is requesting information on the cost and value of acquiring, accessing, and sharing solar photovoltaic (PV) system performance data. These responses will help inform SETO activities relevant to PV system performance and related data to accelerate research, development, and deployment of solar energy.

    Application Deadline: November 18, 2022

  • PCFO IGAP Grant Snapshot

    DOE is seeking input on the new $10.5 billion Grid Resilience and Innovation Partnership Program to enhance the resilience and reliability of America’s electric grid. These programs will accelerate the deployment of transformative projects that will help to ensure the reliability of the power sector’s infrastructure, so all American communities have access to affordable, reliable, clean electricity.

    Application Deadline: October 14, 2022

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    Created under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the EPA’s Clean School Bus Program will provide $5 billion to replace existing school buses with zero-emission and low-emission models. EPA has opened applications for the second round of the Clean School Bus Rebate Program to fund the replacement of existing school buses with cleaner buses.

    Application deadline: January 31, 2024

  • PCFO IGAP Grant Snapshot

    The Community Geothermal Heating and Cooling Design and Deployment Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) will fund projects that help communities design and deploy geothermal district heating and cooling systems, create related workforce training, and identify and address environmental justice concerns. The overall FOA objective is to support the formation of U.S. community coalitions that will develop community geothermal systems that supply at least 25% of the overall community heating or heating and cooling demand in communities where current fuel use results in increased greenhouse gas emissions. An overarching goal is to support community coalitions seeking to deploy geothermal systems that can reduce the disproportionate shares of energy costs and environmental impacts to underserved populations in a diverse set of communities.

    Application Deadline: October 11, 2022

  • PCFO IGAP Grant Snapshot

    The Reconnecting Communities Pilot Program is the first-ever Federal program dedicated to reconnecting communities that were previously cut off from economic opportunities by transportation infrastructure. The program provides technical assistance and grant funding for planning and capital construction to address infrastructure barriers, restore community connectivity, and improve peoples’ lives. Applicants can apply for either Planning or Capital Construction grants.

    Application Deadline: October 13, 2022

  • PCFO IGAP Grant Snapshot

    The Foundational Agrivoltaic Research for Megawatt Scale (FARMS) funding opportunity will award $8 million in funding for projects that examine how agrivoltaics can scale up to provide new economic opportunities to farmers, rural communities, and the solar industry. Agrivoltaics is defined as agricultural production, such as crop production, livestock grazing, and pollinator habitat that exist underneath solar panels and/or in between rows of solar panels.

    Application Deadlines: Letter of Intent: 06/01/22; Concept Papers: 06/22/22; Full Applications: 08/30/22 at 5pm ET.

  • PCFO IGAP Grant Snapshot

    The purpose of Safe Streets and Roads for All (SS4A) grants is to improve roadway safety by significantly reducing or eliminating roadway fatalities and serious injuries through safety action plan development and implementation focused on all users, including pedestrians, bicyclists, public transportation users, motorists, personal conveyance and micromobility users, and commercial vehicle operators. The program provides funding to develop the tools to help strengthen a community’s approach to roadway safety and save lives and is designed to meet the needs of diverse local, Tribal, and regional communities that differ dramatically in size, location, and experience administering Federal funding.

    Application Deadline: September 15, 2022

  • PCFO IGAP Grant Snapshot

    The Rural Placemaking Innovation Challenge (RPIC) provides planning support, technical assistance, and training to communities to foster placemaking activities in rural communities. Placemaking is a collaborative engagement process that helps leaders from rural communities create quality places where people will want to live, work, play and learn. Funds can help enhance capacity for broadband access, preserve cultural and historic structures, and support the development of transportation, housing, and recreational spaces.

    DEADLINE PASSED. Application Deadline: August 15, 2022

  • PCFO IGAP Grant Snapshot

    Under Section 40342 of the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Department of Energy is authorized to establish a program to demonstrate the technical and economic viability of clean energy projects on current and former mine land, to be carried out by developing between two (2) and five (5) clean energy projects on mine land in geographically diverse regions. The Office of Clean Energy Demonstrations (OCED) is appropriated $500 million over a five (5) year period to carry out this program. This program will also support the Biden Administration’s goal to achieve a carbonfree electric grid by 2035 and a net zero emissions economy by 2050.

    The purpose of this RFI is to solicit feedback from stakeholders on issues related to the demonstration of clean energy projects on mine land. DOE is specifically interested in information on how demonstration programs can be implemented to stimulate private sector follow-on investments and deliver maximum benefits in terms of high quality job creation, local and regional economic development, environmental justice and greenhouse gas emission reductions.

    DEADLINE PASSED. Application Deadline: August 15, 2022

  • PCFO IGAP Grant Snapshot

    This funding opportunity will support Brownfields Job Training programs that recruit, train, and retain a local, skilled workforce by prioritizing unemployed and underemployed residents to obtain the skills and credentials needed for pathways into full-time employment in the environmental field. Through the Brownfields Job Training Program, graduates develop skill sets that improve their ability to secure full-time, sustainable employment in various aspects of hazardous and solid waste management and within the larger environmental field, including sustainable cleanup and reuse, and chemical safety.

    DEADLINE PASSED. Application Deadline: August 2, 2022

  • PCFO IGAP Grant Snapshot

    Through the Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities, USDA will support the production and marketing of climate-smart commodities through a set of pilot projects that provide voluntary incentives through partners to producers and landowners. These pilot projects will support objectives to: implement climate-smart production practices, activities, and systems on working lands; measure/quantify, monitor and verify the carbon and greenhouse gas (GHG) benefits associated with those practices; and develop markets and promote the resulting climate-smart commodities.

    DEADLINE PASSED. Application Deadline: June 10, 2022

  • PCFO IGAP Grant Snapshot

    The Energyshed opportunity aims to invest in innovative research, development, and demonstration (RD&D) projects that accelerate the large-scale development and deployment of renewable energy to support an equitable transition to a decarbonized electricity system by 2035 and net-zero emissions economy by 2050.

    The goal of this funding opportunity is to develop the tools and processes to help a broad set of stakeholders understand the implications and participate in the development of locally-based energy generation in their community. To achieve this goal, applicants will assimilate data from a variety of sources into novel tools, “dashboards,” or other applications that will assess the impacts and tradeoffs, including potential benefits and challenges of locally-based energy generation. These tools should be accessible and easy-to-use to a wide array of stakeholders that are not necessarily electric power system experts. Achievement of this goal should accelerate deployment of renewable energy towards an equitable de-carbonized grid, and it will come through pursuit of several concurrent objectives in successful system design.

    DEADLINE PASSED. Application Deadline: August 1, 2022 at 5:00 PM ET

  • PCFO IGAP Grant Snapshot

    RAISE is a competitive grant program for surface transportation infrastructure projects that will have a significant local or regional impact. At least $15 million in funding is guaranteed to go towards projects located in Areas of Persistent Poverty or Historically Disadvantaged Communities.

    *Webinar Notes

    DEADLINE PASSED. Application Deadline: April 14, 2022

  • PCFO IGAP RFI Snapshot

    The Council on Environmental Quality (CEQ) has issued a request for information (RFI) to solicit feedback on the beta version of the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool. The Tool includes interactive maps highlighting disadvantaged communities that are marginalized, underserved, and overburdened by pollution. Federal agencies will use the tool to implement the Justice40 Initiative goals to direct 40% of investments to disadvantaged communities.

    Submission Deadline: April 25, 2022 description

  • PCFO IGAP RFI Snapshot

    The Department of Energy is looking for feedback to inform a Resilient and Efficient Codes Implementation Funding Opportunity that would provide $225 million in support to states in providing sustained cost-effective implementation of updated building codes. If your community is interested in improving energy efficiency and resilient building codes, submit feedback on how the Department can best approach adoption, workforce development, implementation and compliance, innovative approaches, energy equity, and partnerships.

    Submission Deadline: May 20, 2022

  • PCFO IGAP RFI Snapshot

    The purpose of this RFI is to identify promising, innovative, and best practices for designing revolving loan funds (RLFs). DOE is seeking to create program guidance that will assist States, as well as potentially other entities, in designing, managing, and improving RLFs. The goal is to collect information that will ultimately support creation of RLFs that effectively serve a wide array of borrowers with beneficial energy efficiency products and services and enable private sector capital to scale access to energy efficiency financing.

    Submission Deadline: May 6, 2022

  • PCFO IGAP Grant Snapshot

    The Rural Energy Pilot Program (REPP) offers grant assistance to Rural Energy Community Partnerships (RECPs) to develop renewable energy to help meet our nation’s energy needs and combat climate change while prioritizing environmental justice, racial equity, and economic opportunity. RECPs can receive funds to establish and develop clean energy communities through the deployment of community-scale distributed energy technologies, innovations and solutions.

    Application Deadline: May 31, 2022

  • PCFO IGAP Funding Opportunity Announcement Snapshot

    Are you looking to advance solar and community resilience? The Department of Energy released a Funding Opportunity Announcement for RACER, a program to accelerate projects that enable communities to utilize solar and solar-plus-storage to prevent disruptions in power caused by extreme weather and other events and to rapidly restore electricity if it goes down. Projects will foster engagement and ongoing communication among multiple stakeholders and will develop and demonstrate rapid energy restoration technologies based on the community resilience plan in order to increase the durability of photovoltaic (PV) systems.

    Application Deadline: May 27, 2022

  • PCFO IGAP Grant Snapshot

    The Low or No Emission competitive program provides funding to state and local governmental authorities for the purchase or lease of zero-emission and low-emission transit buses as well as acquisition, construction, and leasing of required supporting facilities.

    *Webinar Notes

    Application Deadline: May 31, 2022

  • PCFO IGAP Grant Snapshot

    Port Infrastructure Development Program (PIDP) grants is a competitive program for projects that improve facilities within, or outside of and directly related to operations of or an intermodal connection to coastal seaports, inland river ports, and Great Lakes ports.

    Application Deadline: May 16, 2022

  • PCFO IGAP Grant Snapshot

    The Grants for Buses and Bus Facilities Program makes federal resources available to states and direct recipients to replace, rehabilitate and purchase buses and related equipment and to construct bus-related facilities including technological changes or innovations to modify low or no emission vehicles or facilities.

    Application Deadline: May 31, 2022

  • PCFO IGAP Grant Snapshot

    The Bridge Investment Program provides funding opportunities across three categories: (1) Planning; (2) Bridge Projects; and (3) Large Bridge Projects. The goals of the BIP are: (1) to improve the safety, efficiency, and reliability of the movement of people and freight over bridges; (2) to improve the condition of bridges in the United States; and (3) to provide financial assistance that leverages and encourages non- Federal contributions from sponsors and stakeholders involved in the planning, design, and construction of eligible projects.

    Application Deadline: Planning applications due July 25, 2022

    Large Bridge Project applications due August 9, 2022

    Bridge Project applications due September 8, 2022

  • PCFO IGAP Grant Snapshot

    The FHWA released a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking that proposes regulations setting minimum standards and requirements for projects funded under the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program and projects for the construction of publicly accessible electric vehicle (EV) chargers. The standards and requirements proposed would apply to the installation, operation, or maintenance of EV charging infrastructure; the interoperability of EV charging infrastructure; traffic control device or on-premises signage acquired, installed, or operated in concert with EV charging infrastructure; data, including the format and schedule for the submission of such data; network connectivity of EV charging infrastructure; and information on publicly available EV charging infrastructure locations, pricing, real-time availability, and accessibility through mapping applications.

    Application Deadline: August 22, 2022

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    Created under the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the EPA’s new Clean School Bus Program will provide $5 billion to replace existing school buses with zero-emission and low-emission models over the next 5 years. The first funding opportunity under this Program is the 2022 Clean School Bus Rebates. The CSB Rebates will fund the replacement of existing school buses with cleaner buses that result in better air quality on the bus, in bus loading areas, and throughout the communities in which they operate.

    Application Deadline: August 19, 2022

  • PCFO IGAP Grant Snapshot

    The SolarAPP+ Prize is a $1 million program designed to accelerate the adoption of Solar Automated Permit Processing Plus (SolarAPP+). SolarAPP+ is an automated permitting software tool that provides instant permit approval on code-compliant residential rooftop solar systems. SolarAPP+ has been adopted by dozens of Authorities Having Jurisdiction (AHJs). For local governments that have adopted SolarAPP+, projects are permitted and inspected about two weeks faster than average, saving time for employees. The U.S. Department of Energy (DOE) Solar Energy Technologies Office (SETO) will award prizes of $15,000 to local governments that successfully adopt or pilot SolarAPP+ in about five months. The prize funding will help local governments lower the cost of the adoption process.

    Application Deadline: November 4, 2022


    The Inflation Reduction Act is a historic investment in clean energy and climate action. Of the Inflation Reduction Act’s $369 billion investment in addressing climate change, $270 billion will be delivered through tax incentives. These include incentives to improve the energy efficiency of residential and commercial buildings.

    Application Deadline: November 4, 2022

  • PCFO IGAP Grant Snapshot

    Also known as the Advanced Transportation Technology and Innovation (ATTAIN) Program, the ATTIMD Program aims to deploy, install, and operate advanced transportation technologies to improve safety, mobility, efficiency, system performance, intermodal connectivity, and infrastructure return on investment. FHWA intends for these model technology deployments to help demonstrate how emerging transportation technologies, data, and their applications can be effectively deployed and integrated with existing systems to provide access to essential services and other destinations. This also includes efforts to increase connectivity to employment, education, services, and other opportunities; support workforce development; or contribute to increased mobility, particularly for persons with visible and hidden disabilities and elderly individuals.

    Application Deadline: November 18, 2022

  • PCFO IGAP Grant Snapshot

    EPA’s Brownfields Program provides funds to empower states, tribal nations, communities, and nonprofit organizations to prevent, inventory, assess, clean up, and reuse brownfield sites. Assessment Grants provide funding for developing inventories of brownfield sites, prioritizing sites, conducting community involvement activities, conducting planning, conducting site assessments, developing site-specific cleanup plans, and developing reuse plans related to brownfield sites. Community-wide Assessment Grants are appropriate for communities that are beginning to address their brownfield challenges, as well.

    Application Deadline: November 22, 2022

  • PCFO IGAP Grant Snapshot

    EPA’s Brownfields Program provides funds to empower states, tribal nations, communities, and nonprofit organizations to prevent, inventory, assess, clean up, and reuse brownfield sites. Cleanup Grants provide funding for eligible entities to carry out cleanup activities at brownfield sites. An applicant must own the site for which it is requesting funding.

    Application Deadline: November 22, 2022


    The Inflation Reduction Act is a historic investment in clean energy and climate action. Of the Inflation Reduction Act’s $369 billion investment in addressing climate change, $270 billion will be delivered through tax incentives. These include tax incentives to encourage the adoption of clean vehicles.

    Application Deadline: November 4, 2022

  • PCFO IGAP Grant Snapshot

    The Bipartisan Infrastructure Law provides $1 billion to OCED for the five-year period 2022-2026 to improve in rural or remote areas of the United States the resilience, safety, reliability, and availability of energy and environmental protection from adverse impacts of energy generation. OCED intends to implement these activities as the Energy Improvements in Rural or Remote Areas (ERA) Program. The purpose of this RFI is to solicit feedback on topics such as rural and remote clean energy needs and opportunities, optimal clean energy outcomes, barriers, stakeholder engagement, community benefits, and financing mechanisms that will inform the structure, strategy, and execution of the ERA Program.

    Application Deadline: November 28, 2022

  • PCFO IGAP RFI Snapshot

    The Department of Energy issued a Request for Information to gather feedback on the implementation of energy storage demonstration programs. These energy storage programs will provide the opportunity to accelerate commercialization for energy technologies by: (1) demonstrating the technologies at scale; and (2) partnering with community and industry stakeholders so they can best adopt and benefit from these technologies. PCFO has created an RFI Snapshot for partners that are interested in responding to this RFI.

    Comments were due on June 16, 2022.

  • PCFO Grant Snapshot

    Through the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) is providing $400 million in grants to incentivize and accelerate the replacement of existing school buses with clean and zero-emissions school buses through the 2023 Clean School Bus (CSB) Grant Program.

    Application deadline: August 22, 2023

  • PCFO IGAP Grant Snapshot

    The Infrastructure for Rebuilding America (INFRA) program is an existing competitive program that will see a more than 50% increase in this year’s funding due to the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law. These grants advance the Administration’s priorities of rebuilding America’s infrastructure and creating jobs by funding highway, multimodal freight and rail projects that position America to win the 21st century. USDOT has combined the INFRA Program with 2 other discretionary programs (Mega and Rural) under a single Multimodal Projects Discretionary Grant (MPDG) opportunity.

    *Webinar Notes

    Application Deadline: May 23, 2022

  • PCFO IGAP Grant Snapshot

    The National Infrastructure Project Assistance (MEGA) program was created to fund major projects that are too large or complex for traditional funding programs. The program will provide grants on a competitive basis to support multijurisdictional or regional projects of significance that may also cut across multiple modes of transportation. USDOT has combined the Mega Program with 2 other discretionary programs (INFRA and Rural) under a single Multimodal Projects Discretionary Grant (MPDG) opportunity.

    *Webinar Notes

    Application Deadline: May 23, 2022

  • PCFO IGAP Grant Snapshot

    The Rural Surface Transportation Grant Program (RURAL) was created in the Bipartisan Infrastructure Law and will support projects to improve and expand the surface transportation infrastructure in rural areas to increase connectivity, improve the safety and reliability of the movement of people and freight, and generate regional economic growth and improve quality of life. USDOT has combined the Rural Program with 2 other discretionary programs (Mega and INFRA) under a single Multimodal Projects Discretionary Grant (MPDG) opportunity.

    *Webinar Notes

    Application Deadline: May 23, 2022