City of Shaker Heights joins Power A Clean Future Ohio, Becoming 20th Community
(COLUMBUS, OH)— At Monday’s Shaker Heights City Council meeting, Council members unanimously adopted a resolution to join Power A Clean Future Ohio (PFCO), furthering efforts underway by the City to reduce greenhouse gas emissions in Shaker Heights. With passage of this resolution, the City of Shaker Heights became the 20th community to join Power A Clean Future Ohio.
Power A Clean Future Ohio is a nonpartisan coalition and campaign that is dedicated to working with local communities to develop equitable clean energy solutions to benefit the well-being of residents, the environment, and the economy.
Joe Flarida, Executive Director of Power a Clean Future Ohio said, “The City of Shaker Heights has a strong reputation as a leader in local sustainability planning and programming. As the latest city to join Power A Clean Future Ohio, Shaker Heights will be able to share its successes with other members while also benefiting from additional clean energy resources that will help reach the community’s shared goals of reducing emissions and centering sustainability in the City’s operations.”
Shaker Heights Mayor David Weiss said, “Many of the activities our City has undertaken in the last several years overlap with Power A Clean Future Ohio goals, as we seek to live and work more sustainably through recycling programs, tree planting, EV charging, and composting food waste. By joining PCFO, Shaker Heights will benefit from networking with other member cities to share best practices and hear from industry experts to continue to advance sustainability and carbon reduction goals.”
Shaker Heights Sustainability Coordinator Michael Peters said, “We see PCFO as an opportunity for us to expand the work we’ve begun with the City’s Sustainability Committee and LEED for Cities. PCFO takes a complex issue and simplifies that messaging to residents and stakeholders. This also allows us an additional avenue to share the best practices and case studies we are creating through our own work.”
As detailed in the resolution that was approved by City Council and signed by Mayor Weiss, Shaker Heights reaffirmed its commitment to put its sustainability goals as a top priority.
Utilizing clean energy sources improves air quality, a significant issue for the state. Ohio ranks 46th in the nation in asthma rates for children ages 0-17. Poor air quality is a major contributor to asthma rates, particularly in disproportionately impacted communities, which is the leading reason for hospital ER visits in this age group. Developing innovative solutions to harmful air pollution will also serve to protect the health of all Shaker Heights residents.
In 2020, 103,400 people were employed in clean energy jobs throughout the state, and Ohio auto manufacturers are planning major investments to build more electric vehicles in Ohio in the coming years. In addition, 39 companies that are either headquartered in Ohio or are among the state’s 100 largest employers have dedicated plans to be powered by 100% renewable energy by a specific date.
Cities like Shaker Heights are joining with these employers in making a commitment to spur the economic growth and development that results from embracing clean technologies and advanced transportation. The jobs of the future are in clean energy and clean transportation.